Thursday, September 19, 2024

Norway Fjords/Sweden - Day 4 to Flam

Today was a lazy day. I am to take the train to Myrdal and change trains to go to Flam. The train is at 12 pm so I have all morning to rest or pack...whatever. The only thing I don't want to do today is walk to see the city. I have seen things close by already and I will be back again, so better to just rest. Although I will say, I slept really well last night.

Breakfast was still the same boring, except for one change, croissants instead of carrot cake! I can handle that. After breakfast was packing. Made sure I got everything. Then time for a little nap :-) Left the hotel at 11 am to walk to the station and get on the train. The station is just amazing. It is a shopping mall, coffee places and so much more in one place. There are about 10 platforms, easily accessible from the central point. Mine was 3. The location of car number I am to sit are already written on the platform so I go there...its the last one! The train is there at 11:30 am and I find my seat, sadly not the window seat. 

Train left on time, initially underground, and then came up later. Two stations later my window seat was taken up by another passenger, a middle aged man. The scenery got better as we got near Mrydal, the mountains got bigger, river was flowing next to the train, there were some waterfalls and some lakes. It all reminded me of Montana. Darn the person sitting next to me. He saw me taking pictures but did not exchange seats. At Nese, I saw some glaciers, so close! It is the highest point of the train. We have gone from green forests to strange green looking rocky hills with beautiful water bodies and some fast flowing waters. If only I was sitting at the window I would have taken so many more photos.

At Myrdal I change trains to the Flam train. I sat in the 2nd car but I would recommend sitting maybe in the 3rd one. The one hour train ride was nice, but half of it was in the tunnel. The other half was definitely pretty - deep valleys, pretty villages, really high waterfalls....jut beautiful. No fjords here. Just as I was getting comfortable Flam arrived! It is microvillage. I can see my hotel (Fretheim Hotel) from the train. Got off and checked into the hotel. Nice big hotel, expensive. The room has tea/coffee at least. I really need a cup. I had my remaining puris for lunch and then a granola bar. All I need is a cup of tea. My room is facing the front and I can see the train station and the town. I love it! Feels luxurious.

But first I want to go out and checkout the little village. The fjord looks really cool from here. Walked around to the little shopping area and food kiosks. Everything was closed but I think I know where to eat lunch tomorrow. The visitor center is closed but the Mall of Norway is open. There is so much stuff there but I don't know what to get for me or anyone else. Just walked out empty handed. Will think about it tomorrow. 

Fretheim Hotel


Its 7:30 pm now. Came back to the hotel, made some tea and am ready to relax. I am still feeling the rocking from the train ride :-)

TIP: The Flam railway windows are quite dirty, better to sit in the seats where windows can open half way for better photos.

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