Thursday, September 26, 2024

Norway Fjords/Sweden - Day 11 - Trondheim 1

Good morning on the ship. Had to check out by 8 am so got up by 7 and packed up to go. Had to wait until 9:45 am to reach Trondheim. Went to the lounge and lounged around. It is kind of nice to get off the ship. I am not sure I would be able to do 12 days of solo on a cruise. Maybe? I have to give it a try someday.

The walk to my hotel is just about one mile. It was not a bad walk. It is cold here though. I saw the Rockeim museum building on my walk. The view on crossing the bridge was lovely.
The Thon Hotel staff is nice and even though its only about 10 am, they give me a room. Its a one person room but comfortable enough. And there is tea in the room! Awesome. I have not had anything this morning, so tea is welcome. After a hot cup, I am ready to venture out. I made my walk plan. There is really not much to do here. to the hotel and I am not going to any museum for now. So the remaining is the Cathedral and the city.

As I start my walk, I see there are plenty of places to eat in case I want to tomorrow. I walk towards the cathedral and run into food trucks in Stiftsgarden. Stiftsgarden is a huge square with empty space, I guess for events. There is a mall on one side and offices and restaurants/hotels on other sides. Since I have not had breakfast, I thought I would check out the food trucks. I found one that made Danish pancakes. I thought I would try that out. It was 8$ but worth it. I love these pancakes! I am going to make them when I get home. The poor guy's card scanner was not working, but he figured it out. I was his first customer today.

Now...on to the Nidaros cathedral. First I was just planning to walk around, but since its only 12 pm, I decided to visit and be done with it. The outside is quite complex and interesting with a lot of burials around the church. I bought the 12$ ticket and went in. It was a nice church. It is about 900 years old - well, it started small and progressively got larger and larger. I always love the stained glass work and huge organs in these churches. Spent about 45 mins here and then time to move on. 

Crossed the bridge to get to Bakkalandet, an old city area. It was a nice walk towards it. There are many many apartment buildings, not so many standalone houses here. The colors are nice, the gardens are lovely. Despite the cold weather, flowers are still blooming everywhere. Here in Trondheim, fall has arrived, the foliage has definitely changed colors. 

Bakkalandet was a cute area designed in the colorful houses joined together (Bergen style). Many restaurants and small shops. Its a small area - just 3 blocks. The wooden bridge is also here - big ado about nothing. Fine, I will take a picture of the bridge. Going on the bridge though gives a nice view of the buildings on both sides...really pretty. 

I skipped the fortress. The Norway fortress are nothing but a bunch of stones put together as a room. The walk back is also scenic.

And that's it! It's only 2 pm and I have seen it all. On the way back stopped at Rema1000 to get some chocolate, a croissant and some peanuts - really like those jalapeno peanuts. In retrospect I should not have gotten the croissant - the hotel has a light dinner in the evening. Came back to the hotel, ate the croissant and had some peanuts and one piece of chocolate. All this more than 10,000 steps of walking I am doing everyday has done nothing to my weight. 

The most thing I am missing about food is vegetables and fruits. And hot food. Thai food in Bergen was really good because it was all that. Maybe I will get some good food tomorrow.

At 5 pm decided to go out to the mall for a walk. I though the square would be busy, but its not. It is a bit colder now and sort of drizzling. The mall was well....a mall. I don't need anything so for me it was just walking around. Prices are too high for everything, although they do have some cool stuff here for kitchen and some of those greeting cards were good. 

Came back by 6 pm and around 6:30 went for the dinner. It was amazing! They had wonderful roasted vegetables, spinach soup, omelets, fruits, salads, pasta salad,!! What a spread. And they had wine for drink! The chef was so nice she made me a vegetarian omelet - so tasty! I really wish I had not eaten that croissant. 

That is it. That is my day today. Tomorrow, not much to do as it will be more cold and somewhat rainy out there. That's okay. I am ready to go back to Oslo.

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