Monday, September 23, 2024

Norway Fjords/Sweden - Day 8 - Bergen 3

It was a nice day today also. Little extra I think. I would advise anyone short on time to do three days in Bergen, mine turned out to be 4 with the half day during my arrival day and full day on the departure day.

Breakfast was fine. Yesterday I ate this horrible cracker with pesto on it, which gave me gas and acidity. It took a while before I was feeling fine. So today for breakfast I was not that hungry. The breakfast room was quite empty today, its like all the guests disappeared. Maybe they were here for the weekend.

I am ready to go to see the Fantof Stave Church. I have take two buses and then a take a 5 min walk to see it. I was there about 10:30 which is time it opens. It was in the middle of the forest, I guess for preservation sake. Apparently the original had burned down so this was a replica and also it was not in its original location. The design of this church is unique - it looks quite Viking. There are dragons on the top design. The interior is quite simple. It took all of 10 mins to see the church. Now I have to get back - another 30 mins. But first tummy is making strange noises. I need to go. Google told me to take 20 and then 6 from the next stop. Luckily, at the next stop is a KIWI (grocery store). I thought I would see if they have a restroom. They do, but not public, but the manager unlocks it for me. So nice. God bless her. 

I took the tram #6 back to the hotel. It is only 12 pm. I had some tea. 

It is time to go up the Floibanen funicular. It was a nice ride up. It is not so cloudy today, although colder than yesterday (I am wearing my warm jacket today). It is not that high but the view is amazing. I can see my hotel! And of course the whole city that I have been walking for the past 2 days. Lovely! Lots of photos later, I walked around, there were goats (monitored by the staff, of course). There was a huge play area for children, lots of things to climb and swing on. 

It was time to eat something. Got a pizza bun from the cafe. Enjoyed the view while eating. 

Time to walk some more. There was a huge troll, of course I have to take a photo! Walked towards the troll forest. The forest is quite interesting, lots of moss and roots exposed. It is kind of the forest I would imagine in the fairy tales I used to read in my childhood. The troll area was fun too. They had made models of many trolls, with names. Fun! After that it was the gift shop. Nope, nothing to buy.

That's it. Its only 4 pm and I am done. Walking back to the harbor I got some Greek salad to eat. I just need some vegetables. What I really wanted was some hot soup, but there is no guarantee that it will be vegetarian, so I am opting for salad. Came to my room and ate. It was good but only tomatoes and cucumbers as veggies. Barely had any green peppers and onions and no lettuce. Lots of feta cheese. It was ok. I finished it all. 

I have to figure out what to take on the cruise as they don't have any food. I will be on board for two days. They do have eating places on board though. I will get some bread tomorrow. Hopefully all will work out. 

Went out to do some gift shopping. Don't need to buy anything but wanted to get something for a couple of friends. Things are quite expensive. That's it, shopping done. I am finished with the day at 5:30 pm. No need to roam around the streets, they are all the same now. 

I guess 4 days are okay if you want to do all the things I did. Everything kind of closes at 6 pm, so there is not much one can do in the evening except walk around. 

PS: Time in Norway is written as military time everywhere.

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